Perfect for Everyone who

is planning to buy your

first home or 5th home

in this changing market!

Available Dates

May - June

Various Locations



Perfect for Everyone who is planning to

buy your first home or 5th home

in this changing market!

Available Dates

May - June

Various Locations

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vitae semper quis lectus nulla at volutpat diam ut


Financing options

Credit requirements

Buy now sell later

Down payment assistance

Current market conditions

Preparing for Home Ownership

The home-buying process from beginning to end

The Do's and Don'ts of the home buying process

Understanding your credit score and your purchasing power

In Partnership with:

In Partnership with:

Financing options

Credit requirements

Buy now sell later

Down payment assistance

Current market conditions

Preparing for Home Ownership

The home-buying process from beginning to end

The Do's and Don'ts of the home buying process

Understanding your credit score and your purchasing power

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Lorem Ipsum placeholder

Lorem Ipsum placeholder

Lorem Ipsum placeholder

“velit aliquet sagittis id consectetur purus ut faucibus pulvinar elementum integer enim neque volutpat ac tincidunt vitae semper quis lectus nulla at volutpat diam ut

- Lorem Ipsum

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  • Keynotes
  • Full Schedule
  • 5 Workshops
  • 4 Drink Tickets



  • Keynotes
  • Full Schedule
  • 5 Workshops
  • 3 Drink Tickets
  • VIP Access to keynote speakers

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